Cheapest car insurance?

Cheapest car insurance?

2001 ford mustang, 2005 chevy cobalt, 2003 chevy impala, 2000 chevy blazer, and a 2002 chevy camaro. Put them in order from most expensive to least expensive based on insurance and gas. I am an almost 16 year old guy, if that helps! thanks!


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare





How can i Switch to another health insurance?

my son has keystone mercy for his health insurance but i totally forgot that the hospital he was born in doesn't accept that insurance they accept americhoice and i want to switch but im worried because i don't if americhoce would pay the bills from when he was born!!!! help!!



If I get my speeding ticket dismissed will my insurance rates still increase?

I got a speeding ticket in TX, but I'm taking a course to get it dismissed. Will my insurance company even find out about my points if they're taken off my license? And if they do, will my insurance rates go up or is that completely dependent on points?



Why is my car insurance so expensive?

I'm 17 years old, with no convictions or points on my licence. I passed my test about a week ago, and I cannot get insurance for my VW polo 1.2, 02 plate lower than 10'000!!? What do I do?



What will happen if my wife gets pregnant and we dont' have health insurance?

They can't refuse prenatal care can they? Would we have $40,000 in medical bills? What would happen? We aren't poor, we just have horrible insurance through both of our workplaces.



What is the penalty for driving without insurance on a motorbike, as i feel it was a genuine oversight?

I was stopped because of a broken rear light and as it happens my insurance had expired about 4 days before. I wasn't aware that the insurance expired , i thought it was at the end of the month. I didn't receive any reminder because i had forgotten to change address with the insurance company, which was completely my fault. This is a genuine oversight on my part, but I'm not sure if they'll look at previous incident i had with my cousins car when i was a teenager about 7 years ago, i got caught driving without insurance. Probably one of the stupidest things i have done but i learned from it, but the court may not look at it like that. Should i get a solicitor and does anyone know how much they cost? Will i be suspended from driving?



How much do you pay for car insurance and does it cover both you and the other driver in an accident?

Now before you answer the question please make sure and find out if your really covered.............because if your paying something less than $140 a month than most likely your only covering the other car in an accident. If possible answer my previous question.;_ylt=Asd8meepYLHdCri7Gn6VxzXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090607110936AARsYEy



How much is the townhouse insurance in South Florida for a 3/3?

The HOA does not include insurance.



I'm getting my permit soon, insurance?

Okay. I'm turning 15 soon and in Florida that means getting your permit. My dad said that he won't let me get my permit because he doesn't want to pay for my and my older brothers insurance. Since I really need my permit because my dad and stepmom aren't that sober and I want to get a job and a form of transportation between marching band and my house. He doesn't get that. So What I am asking is where could I get really affordable insurance but not skimp on the coverage. I would be paying for it myself. I also need to find a job. Uhg. I have a little over 2 months until I become of age. Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks!



Cheap car with cheap insurance?

Im 18 and Ive just passed my driving test and im looking for a good car for around 2500. The cars with cheap insurance are more expensive and the cheap cars have a relatively high insurance cost. The budget for the insurance is not set but I don't want to pay a ridiculous price. Any suggestions on a perfect car which is in my budget but with a low insurance cost? P.S. I understand because im young the insurance will be expensive but if anyone has any advice on how to get cheaper insurance please let me know.



Auto Insurance at 16?

How much could I expect it to be? I do live in Texas. I will be getting my permit soon (after I'm done with drivers ed), and to drive with it, I will need to be on my parents auto insurance, and I have to pay for it. I will not have a car for the time being so it shouldn't be really high?



Getting a car insurance even if you don't have a car?

I am 17 years old and turning 18 in 2 months. I have a permit in the state of New Jersey. Last Sunday, I made a small car accident. It was just few scratches on the other person's rear bumper. Anyway, the guy from an insurance company told my parents that I have to get an insurance as soon as i get my license even if I don't get a car. My parents can't afford to buy me a car anyway so I was planning to drive their car since I wouldn't have to get an insurance if I drive their cars. But the guy is telling me that I HAVE to get an insurance whether I'm getting my car or not. I have never heard of these things before. Can anybody explain to me why I have to get an insurance even if i am not getting car? And also, is there any other way I can solve this problem other than not getting a license? Because they're saying that the only way is not to get a license 'till I turn 21. And It would cost my parents way too much if i get my license. I mean I'm not even getting a car! Why do I need to get an insurance?



Temporary insurance on backup bussiness car?

I own a chip route in ga and in process of buying a back up vehicle for my Business. I won't be using my vehicle very often just when my main vehicle goes down. Can I get temporary insurance or a miles based insurance to save money?



Found a Cheaper Car Insurance, What to do?

Dear Mates, My car insurance is just started 5 days ago. I have paid them around 300 as deposit. I have found somewhere more cheaper then recent one. If I want to finish my policy with them, How much do they Refund me. Please help me if you knows. Thanks



How much do you pay for your car insurance?

Toronto, ON



Rover car 1996 and 1989ford transit van, one insurance?

how much for comprehensive 1years Insurance for 40year's no claims, now aged 66years old.



Are you switching your Allstate Insurance?

I currently have home insurance with Allstate. My car insurance is with GEICO. I want them to stay this way. However, Allstate has written me and told me that I must have my home and cars with them or my home insurance will be dropped. Are you in a similar situation? Are you going to stay with Allstate or go with another company. By the way, Allstate is merging with Universal. I don't know anything about Universal and don't really want to go with a less popular company.



How much car will insurance cost for me?? please help?

becoming a new driver and driving a 1982 corvette with a v-8 how much would the car insurance cost, will it be higher because the car is costly but also cheaper because its not a big vehicle and cannot do as much damage ?



Braces without insurance?

I'm trying to get braces without insurance.I live in milwaukee wisconsin. I have like 1,000 dollars saved up. Is there any way of paying a partial payment at first then pay per month? Is there any way of reducing the cost? Is 1000 not enough to start the treatment? Plz help, thanks in advance.



HELP! I didnt have car insurance when I got a speeding ticket, I have questions, help!!!!?

Ok, so I got a speeding ticket on Saturday for 5 over, I havent gotten a ticket in almost 5 years, my driving record is almost perfect, Im 25 years old. So, I havent been too sure about my car insurance, my dad was paying for a while, he stopped, so I made a couple payment and I moved and it just kind of disappeared, I know Ive been very irresponsible and I will suffer any consequences I get. So I didnt have proof of insurance when I got pulled over, the cop said it was fine, just bring it when I pay my ticket. So Im fairly certain I didnt have active insurance at that point, so Im wondering now if I were to buy insurance right now and bring proof of it in, would I get in trouble for not having it at the time I got pulled over? It was just a citation? How much will my insurance rates go up for a 5 over? Let me know, thanks! PS. I live in Michigan



What is good insurance for teens?

Can I have some good companies? I want the basic insurance package. im 17, male, senior in HS




I'm 38. my wife is 33. non smokers. which insurance make more sense. i have whole life with long term care. my wife is looking into term insurance. which is better?



What used 4 door sedans are cheap on insurance?

Im 18 years old, turning 19 in december and need a car for college, what would be a good 4 door sedan, 4 cylinder, that is good on gas, cheap on insurance and cheap on repairs, reliable. What would be a good first car? Im not staying and living at the campus, im coming back home everyday.



Whats the best affordable insurance?

I have a good driving record no tickets no suspension. I would like to know who has the best affordable liability car insurance from a range of monthly payments between $50-90?



Cheapest sport cars for teenagers?

What is the best cheapest sport car and the cheapest insurance.



Can my insurance company find out?

I'm currently a student with 1 years no claims discount on my Car Insurance. I've just finished University. I've renewed my quote and it states that I'm a student still, however I plan on working full time for this year. I decided to keep my occupation as a student, as it's significantly cheaper than if i tell them i work full time. Will my insurance company be able to find out if i'm still a student or not?


Cheapest car insurance?

2001 ford mustang, 2005 chevy cobalt, 2003 chevy impala, 2000 chevy blazer, and a 2002 chevy camaro. Put them in order from most expensive to least expensive based on insurance and gas. I am an almost 16 year old guy, if that helps! thanks!


Young Driver's Car insurance?

I am 18 years old and have just passed my driving test. I'm looking at buying a peugeot 206 1.1 litre petrol car. The problem I'm having is that insurance is very expensive. My cheapest quote is 2000 a year. I just wondered if anybody knows of any cheap car insurance companies that could beat this quote? I've tried price comparison sites such as gocompare and they are all more expensive



What is a toll free phone number to get auto insurance quotes from Farmer's Insurance?

I just want to get a quote for car insurance via a toll free phone number. Competitive quotes would be nice from a National Independent Agent that also offers Farmer's Insurance.



How much would my insurance rate differ if i bought a car with cash or financed?

I am 16 years old and the quote i received for buying the car in cash was about 1200 a year. how much more would my insurance be if i financed ?



How much is the normal rate for the instant car insurance quote for drivers between 18 and 25 ?

Hello i am interested to know how much the average car insurance cost would be for young drivers between 18 and 25 years. can anyone help me please?



Cheapest type of insurance for 17 year old?

iv heard of black box insurance but this doesn't appeal to me most? so what companies or types of insurance are cheapest??



What's a good place in california for insurance?

What's a good place in california for insurance?



Im 24 years old. How much will car insurance cost. Im female.?

I asked this question before. Everyone assumed I was under 18. Im actually a 24 year old female in Ontario. So I needed to provide this information originally when I had asked....sorry about that. So can anyone take a guess now?



How to apply for cheap health insurance in California?? (plz read)?

Ok here is my scenario, I have a friend (only a friend not lover etc....)....she has a 7 year old kid, who is very ill and in the hospital, her hospital bills keep stacking up and as a single mother who only works part time she could not afford health insurance.... me being a good friend i would like to help her out apply for healthy families mediCal or anything like that for free, plus add additional insurance to keep her costs down....anyone suggest any plans or prices that would work good in my scenario, also my job offers health insurance for me and my family (im single) would they offer health insurance to my friends kid if i put them as beneficary or would that not work out???? (please help much gladly give 11 points to best helpful answer) kid is very ill almost like lukemia so asap is apprieated.... thanks Jeff



I need my car on the road to get me to work but the insurance is way to high?

Im 18 year old and need my car on the road to get myself to work but the insurance is about 2500 or higher. Does anyone know a company that deals with young drivers or knows a way around it to make it cheaper.



How much is a the monthly cost for a used car including insurance ?

I would like to buy a good used car around 6000 ..but, I would like to make a dewn payment of 1500 and get a financing for the rest .... What would be my real monthly cost ...? a friend told me that I will have to pay insurance as well ... and that it could 235 per month w/ Geico or 135 ..... Do I have to get an insurance for my car ? Do you yourself pay your car loan + insurance ? if yes, how much ..? what can I do to pay less insurance ?



Is there any dental insurance to recommend for adult orthodontics?

I am 26 years old, and I want to wear braces. I try to enroll a dental insurance to save money but failed to find one that covers orthodontics for adults of my age. Can anyone give me any recommendation for the dental insurance? Many many thanks.



Can my employer drop group health insurance coverage while I am pregnant?

I live in Oklahoma and I just found out that I am pregnant and my employer is considering dropping my group health insurance. Are there any laws that prevent me from being dropped? How do I continue my health insurance to cover my pregnancy?



Can anyone tell me how do you get cheap auto insurance rate and from what company or any website or link?

How do you get cheap auto insurance rate and from what company?can you tell me?



Just a minor speed ticket affect my insurance?

In Ontario, Canada: I got a speeding ticket for going 10 over the limit (60km/h in 50 zone), is it considered as a minor traffic violation according to insurance?



Will auto insurance provider raise my premium rates for filing a claim even if the incident is not my fault?

I just noticed some deep scrapes/scratches on left corner of rear bumper on my Prius after returning from late-night shopping. I was thinking about filing a claim on basis of vandalism, but I heard providers tend to raise rates for filing a claim whether it's my fault or not. I'm just wondering if it'll cost me less in the long run to go for it or just find and go to an auto paint shop directly?



First car/insurance question? im looking to buy this car for my first car, i currently have more than enough for it, plus i really have wanted a lancer. is that a good car? 2nd. do you need to pay insurance on a car that you dont use? im an avid driver, but i havent got my license yet, *2months exactly left*. if i get it, will i pay insurance for 2 months...without use? in the hypothetical scenario, where i wont even use my drivers permit with it with a parent of course.



Buying a Car and Insurance Question!?

Im getting a car this weekend (hopefully) and my dad said he will set a date to go to a friend of his that sells good cars for cheap, but my dad wants it under his name. I don't trust my dad and I want the car under MY name, but he said that the insurance will cost more. If I put the car under MY name, but put the car under his insurance, will it cost more because the car is under my name or will it cost the same? I don't want to pay for the car and then when its finished, he takes the car saying that its under his name and I cant do anything about it. How much would I pay for insurance?



I need insurence to pay for my pregnancy?

I hve NO insurence im only 18 idk how to get free insurance so that i can go to the dr for checkups to make sure my baby is okay or even see my baby in an ultrasound i dont know what a mid wife is and i dont know how im going to pay for the birth of my baby :( help i need answers



Where can I get a great health insurance for a student?

Where can I get a great health insurance for a student?



Online auto insurance with no down payment?

does anyone know of an online insurance that does not require a down payment?



How long does a person have to turn an accident in on your insurance?

I was in a fender bender in a long line of traffic. The front car decided to not use a turn signal and lock up his brakes, causing a chain reaction of everyone having to lock up their brakes. I locked mine up, and my car skidded into the person in front of me. We will car it Car B. Well, Car B was very close to the car in front of him already and Car B hit Car A. The driver of Car B said that there was little to no damage on the rear or front of his car, so he didnt see any means to get the police or insurance involved. Car A has a few tiny marks due to the screws of Car B's front lisence plate. He says that he wants to show it to his parents this weekend, and will let me know Monday. But he has my insurance information. I'm assuming that I would be responsible for his car also. But i'm just wondering how long does he have to turn this in on insurance? I'm afraid that if something else was to happen to his car, him having my information, he could turn it in on something completely unrelated later on.



Online resources, I need car insurance, but have a terrible driving record right now. Any suggestions?

How can I get coverage at a decent rate when I have a crappy driving record?? Ive called about 4 different companies, the lowest rate i found was $209 a month for 6 months. I have 7 points on my record currently!! I cannot get insurance through my parents and i am not married so basically I'm screwed...or I should look into paying a driver to cart my butt around.



Can you get braces free if you have health insurance?

i want braces. can i get them free if i have health insurance



Who has the cheapest car insurance?

My friend is 16, has a 3000GT VR4, has his own insurance plan, and pays only 80 a month. I went to Esurance, who apparently is the cheapest, and they gave me a quote for 194 a month for a 300ZX, which has 20 horsepower LESS. I don't even.



Cheaper to insure two cars instead of one alone?

i have a 2010 prius still owe money on it,,that i pay full coverage on,and im buying a 2002 subaru wrx that im gonne pay in full cash and put basic insurance on it,,,,im 21 years old,married and have nothing on my driving record,,howmuch would my insurance be,,,right now its 130,how much more witht the wrx


Cheapest car insurance?

2001 ford mustang, 2005 chevy cobalt, 2003 chevy impala, 2000 chevy blazer, and a 2002 chevy camaro. Put them in order from most expensive to least expensive based on insurance and gas. I am an almost 16 year old guy, if that helps! thanks!


Can relative use Insurance to get car towed?

Hi everyone. Had some trouble with my car in that it broke down 30 miles from home. The insurance company ( Halifax but outsourced to green flag) have told me that it would cost 160 as it is outwith the 10 mile radius ! So i had it towed to a local garage who tell me it needs a new engine !! Bad luck this car. I have arranged for a company to buy it back home despite being non-runner, so question is can my mum use her insurance to get it towed 30 miles free of charge ? Possible problems being that she might have to be at the car or they won't tow to the car buyer. Help please.



Do you need insurance to drive a car?

i live in alberta and i am wondering do you have to get insurance in order to drive a car will you be in trouble if you drive without insurance?????



Who provides cheap car insurance for young people?

I am 19 (nearly 20) and live in Leeds. I have a 2002 1.6 ford focus valued around 4000.00. My insurance at the mo is with Quinn and only 3rd party fire and theft and is 85.00 per month. I have 2 years no claims and want fully comp. Anyone got any idea's where I can get it cheaper? The price comparison sites aren't helping that much, any ideas?



Can i get Health New England Insurance in other states?

I'm thinking about moving to Virginia to be with my boyfriend once I graduate but i was wondering about my heath insurance... I have Health New England from my father, do they only provide it in New England... since it is called 'Health New England' or would i still be able to have it when i went to Virginia??



How do I get Insurance before I even buy a car?!?

I'm looking to buy my first car and one of the things the dealership asks from you is proof of insurance. How am I supposed to have car insurance if I don't have a car yet? Secondly, after buying the car am I supposed to drive it home without insurance, registration, etc?



Car insurance and reliability?

what would be cheaper on insurance and what vehicle would be a better investment, because I want to keep the next vehicle I get for a LONG time . . . dodge challenger srt8 or a toyota tacoma with a TRD sport package



Is my auto insurance goes up after I got speeding ticket? How much would it cost me?

Is my auto insurance goes up after I got speeding ticket? How much would it cost me?



Is there a penalty for not signing up for affordable health care if disabled collecting medicare?

Now my question is am I going to be penalized for not having any insurance and only having Medicare I and my husband are on disability, because of brain tumors and seizures? it more



How much would cost a BMW325 coupe car insurance in london? car is worth 15.000, 3 years old, held in garage.

How much would cost a BMW325 coupe car insurance in london? car is worth 15.000, 3 years old, held in garage.



Motorcycle insurance?

i have seen things that say motorcycle insurance is ALOT more then car insurance and things that say car inurance is ALOT more then motorcycle insurance and i dont really know if any one will be able to give me accurate answer to my question but i just want an idea of how much the insurance would be for an 18 year old, with a Honda Rebel, in south texas *1



Can i go on another person's insurance?

im 18 and my mom doesnt drive. i got quoted for 358/month (female) would it be possible to go under another family members insurance (aunts, uncle) or does it have to be your parents (same adress)?



What happens if your car insurance is cancelled due to non-payment?

I live in Mass and I am facing cancellation for non-payment, sdo they take your plates? What happens?



How much would extra would i pay for another car on my policy?

I currently own 2 cars and am looking to buy another one. It is a 99 crown vic police int P71. I dont want collision or anything extra, i want the lowest insurance policy that i can get. Im taking that, that would be a liability only policy, am i correct? If not what kind of policy do i ask for? Also, how much more a month would this cost? No one will steal it because its a former cop car, but you couldnt tell and i doubt i will reck it.



Car insurance help please?

Im 16-17 in December, and straight away im going into driving lessons. which my parents are paying for. But lets just pretend im 17 ive passed my test and im lookin into buying a car.. ive been looking at clio's, but which cars are quite cheapish but still nice cars, and most importantly has cheap insurance, cause i heard insurance is dear these days.



Question about insurance policy for teens?

I'm 17 and I have my drivers license. My dad says that I can't carry passengers because our insurance doesn't cover them and won't allow it. However, I find it absurd that there's a insurance policy that prevents you from carrying passengers. Does this exist? I understand that you are not supposed to carry passengers until after 6 months, but he says I can't carry them AT ALL not his rule, its the insurances rule an excuse?



Subaru wrx insurance !!?

first of all I'm 20 about to turn 21 in december and I'm currently looking at purchasing a 2009 or 2010 subaru wrx i called to get a quote and they told me id be paying 460 a month! with no accidents no tickets and i got my license at age 18. so i got another quote under my dads information and it dropped significantly to 68 dollars. i was wondering if this would be okay to do because id buy the car and he would be insured as the primary driver of the vehicle and I'm not sure the legality of this oh I'm in sunny san diego california btw!! so basically can i buy the car and have my dad under the insurance I'm on his plan but for another car not my future wrx thanks for your help!!!



Would insurance cost me more if I bought a used VW beetle with a convertible top versus a hardtop?





Im female, 19 years old, just got my license, will be driving a chrysler/sebring JXi. Im looking for the cheapest/minimum coverage in Bradenton, Florida.



What is the cheapest car insurance in queens ny?

What is the cheapest car insurance in queens ny?



Will my auto insurance company check my husband's credit and driving record if I add him to my policy?

I have been married for 4 years. My husband bought his car with his parents and has been covered under their insurance all this time. The car has been now paid off and he needs to go more



Whats the cheapest bike insurance for a 1st time biker - 21 yrs - 125cc only CBT done?

Any gd experience to pass on? (Honda CG125)



How much will AAA insurance go up if I get my license?

my mom and dad have AAA and I am 16 and I want to get my license. but my dad is telling me to just wait until i go to college since he will buy me a car then. he says the insurance will go up $1000 per month but i cant believe it. how much does the insurance usually go up after I would get my license. I wouldn't own a car and I wouldn't be registered for one.



Insurance for ninja vs nighthawk?

I am planning on getting a small 250cc motorcycle either a kawasaki ninja or honfa nighthawk. i am 16 yo and this will be my first bike. will insurance for a ninja be alot more than insurance for a nighthawk? just liability i dont want comprehensive or collision.



Can I drive my brother's car under his insurance?

He's lending me his car and I was wondering whether it's legal for me to drive it under his insurance. He's fully insured and has a full licence, and I too have a full licence and insurance on my car that's being fixed at the moment. Does he have to add me to the insurance for the 5 days I'm borrowing or can I drive it under his insurance? What are the legalities here?



What should i do about car insurance?

Basically in 2009 i got caught speeding without insurance. Biggest Mistake of my life. Lost my licence and had to start from provisional again. Now i have passed my test and it is a few years on i dont know what to do about getting insurance. I refuse to drive without it now. The thing i need to know is do i tell my insurance company about the claims that were less than 5 years ago or don't i? the reason is because my licence was taken away without a ban put back to provisional and now re-started fresh so do i still have to put them or not? Also if i do what would happen if i don't? Just out of curiosity as it would be a lot cheaper but if i have to i will obviously. Thanks


Cheapest car insurance?

2001 ford mustang, 2005 chevy cobalt, 2003 chevy impala, 2000 chevy blazer, and a 2002 chevy camaro. Put them in order from most expensive to least expensive based on insurance and gas. I am an almost 16 year old guy, if that helps! thanks!


How is insurance on a 2004 GLI?

I am a 17 year old High School Student I am a male and make Good grades, How much would insurance be on a 2004 VW GLI. Most of the cars I've been looking at are way to expensive to insure. Does it being a 4 door sedan lower the price at all.



Getting Insurance to get a license?

I am having a hard time getting my without insurance. I have a permit but I need insurance to take the drivers test, but I don't have anyone to put me on theirs so I can take the test. Is there anything I can do so I can get insurance. Please help me



How do you compare insurance for Yamaha R6 and Ninja 300?

I just want general idea of motorcycle insurance cost between these two bikes.



How much will my insurance go up with getting 4 points on my license?

I live in Pennsylvania. I got a speeding ticket today going 17 miles over the speed limit. I looked it up online, and I think this will put 4 points on my license. I have Nationwide insurance, and I'm 24 years old. How much will this most likely raise my insurance and for how long? This is my first time getting any points on my license. I have gotten 2 previous speeding tickets without acquiring points. One was 5 years ago and the other was 2 years ago out of state (in New Jersey). I don't remember how much over the speed limit I went on those occasions. Thanks for any help!



Monthly insurance for a Mustang?

I'm a 17 year old male and was wondering what the monthly insurance would be on a mustang? And if you know if a certain years model is the cheapest post that to please?



How much would insurance cost?

i was looking to get a suzuki GZ250 motorcycle. i am 18 years old, and i have taken a drivers ed course and the motorcycle driving course. i was wondering about how much insurance would be. it has 249 cc



Car accident person at fault has no insurance, what now?

had a car accident a week ago, minor injury to wrist havent gone to doctor, other persons fault, person B failed to yield while turning left and drove right in front of me. I have full coverage on my part, however fault being hers i made a claim to insurance she provided to police report. the thing is that the owner of vehicles insurance policy does not have person b listed on that policy but person b has same home address as policy holder so technically theyre insurance will not cover me. they have restricted non standard policy, and i do not have uninsured motorist coverage on my policy nor car rental coverage. their insurance is investigating this in he meanwhile so they say. i am not sure whether i should get my insurance to handle this, if i do i would have expect higher premium, pay deductible, rental car and medical fees out of pocket. I am wondering if i should have patience or start looking for a lawyer and forget my own insurance.



Car Insurance question - Do you own your home?

We just got married and the house is in my husbands name, even though I am on the deed papers as well. I am just applying for a car insurance and I'm not sure what to answer to that question... Any advice please?



First time dealing with car insurance for a 19 yr old?

I just finished drivers ed today and I want to go ahead and get my drivers license because also Lowes called me and want me to come in for orientation! Crazy day right? 2 good things in 1 day. But anyways the Lowes that I should be working at is maybe 15 minutes away and the position I have should be a night position. I'm sure my mom doesn't want to drive around at night so I told her she can just give me the car at night. Here's the thing my dad said he'd have to put me on his insurance. I would like to get my own insurance so they can save some of there money. So can anybody point me in any direction or give me some tips. Because im clueless when it comes to car insurance. Right now my mom is asking me do I have to work there. I plan on grabbing this job because I've been looking for awhile and I finally got 1. Ain't no telling when I'll get another one



What is the average cost for liability insurance for a small business and what does it include?

And what other insurance do you need? In ireland by the way



What car has the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old new driver?

looking at cars, i would like something that looks alright like a clio etc



Has anyone heard of car insurance? They gave me a quote that was 500 dollars less than Geico!?

I gave the agent everything on my Geico policy and they quoted me with a 500 dollar six month premium which is less than what I pay for with Geico (almost 1000 dollars!!) Sounds to good to be true. Is it? Has anyone had a bad experience with them? Good experience? Please share.



HELP me on Auto insurance...?

Sooo when i get a car im curious about how much insurance would be a month...obviously i'll be 18 pretty soon..and am planning on buying a scion tc most likely 2005-2007...around how much do you think monthly the insurance might be?



Cheap Auto Insurance for teen?

I live in Houston, TX I've had my license for about 9 months and had no ticket, no accident, nothing! I have GPA over 3.5 finished drivers' ed. where can I get the lowest for manual sedans?



In the UK how much do you think it will cost approximatley to get a car,lessons,insurance, etc etc.?

I just was after an estimate so i have an idea of how much money i need to earn by july when im 17 i only want a small car such as a KA or corsa, it doesnt have to be new or anything.



How does car insurance work?

I'm a 17 year old girl and I recently got my license. Yesterday my dad bought car insurance for me, but I don't have a car. So i'm assuming that this insurance is for his car, but can that same insurance be transferred if I get my own car? Or did my dad just put my name on his insurance? I don't really understand.



Full tort or limited tort... Is it worth it to spend the extra 15% to get full tort car insurance?

I am 21 and getting my first new car tomorrow. I am looking for car insurance. It looks like I could save about 15% on my car insurance if I get limited tort instead of full tort. What do I risk by only getting limited tort? Is it worth the money?



How do I go about getting life insurance?

I need life insurance, who do I need to speak with?



Will defensive driving reduce your insurance rates? If so, by how much?

I pay 190.00 a month to farmer's group for car insurance. How much less will it be if I take defensive driving?



Rear-ended, bent frame, does insurance replace my car?

My frame was bent really out of shape in a really stupid rear ender at a metered ramp. The woman who hit me had insurance. My car can't even drive straight without me fighting the steering wheel. Will insurance cover the cost of a replacement? My car is literally 6 weeks old, has 649 miles on it. How pathetic is that?



Canceled Car Insurance?

So, I found out today, that State Farm canceled my car insurance. My coverage was good through Feb. 1st. My billing date is also Feb. 1st, but they usually charge me a day or two late. They charged me today for my renter's insurance, which is how I found out that I have no car insurance. State Farm never informed me that they were canceling my policy. They said I have had too many incidents. I have had 2 accidents and 1 ticket in the past 2 years. One accident was my fault and the other was not. The ticket was because of the accident. My question is: What can I do to get insurance with another company when I have not had insurance for the past 4 days (even though I didn't know it) and is it going to be a lot more expensive because I do not have a current policy?



NYers only: got a ticket, when will it go to the insurance company?

I got a ticket last week for failing to stop at a stop sign. I will be getting points on my license, but I'm really concerned about my insurance rates going up, so I am going to take a defensive driving class. Do I have to take the class BEFORE I pay the ticket, so insurance doesn't see the ticket, or do I pay the ticket and then take the class, hoping insurance won't see the ticket??



How do i get insurance for a party?

having a party and venue request a certificate of insurance..i have no other insurance other than can i get a coi cheap and fast



How much would cost a BMW325 coupe car insurance in london? car is worth 15.000, 3 years old, held in garage.

How much would cost a BMW325 coupe car insurance in london? car is worth 15.000, 3 years old, held in garage.



Average car insurance for 17 year old male?

An average second hand car, In the UK.


Cheapest car insurance?

2001 ford mustang, 2005 chevy cobalt, 2003 chevy impala, 2000 chevy blazer, and a 2002 chevy camaro. Put them in order from most expensive to least expensive based on insurance and gas. I am an almost 16 year old guy, if that helps! thanks!

*1:or if there is some where i can find out, that would help to