Cars cheap to insure for new drivers?

Cars cheap to insure for new drivers?

Hi, ive just passed my driving test and im looking for a little car to get me mainly to and from my boyfriends, to work and to uni. i only need a 1L, something small and nippy but also quite cheap to insure. i know it will still be quite high insurance with me being a new driver, im 21. any ideas? ive been looking at fiat puntos and clios etc, but im not very clued up about cars or what ones would be classed as 'new driver cars' thanks in advance for any answers :)


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare





Cheap car insurance..?

Im 22, female & this will be my first car to insure. I have a 1.6 Astra sxi 02 plate. Does anybody know what sites to try for the cheapest insurance? I have tried the obvious ones..go compare, confused, tesco, compare the market etc but they are all too dear! Can anyone recommend somewhere they have used with the same circumstances?



Are Farmers Insurance rates competitive?

My friend has auto insurance with them and claims they raised his insurance rates 4 consecutive times (every 6 months). He has 3 cars with them and no accidents nor tickets during this period. Is this normal other insurance companies to be raising their rates during the last 2 years? I mean the economy sucks and they still raising rates? Is the insurance business a monopoly? Do they raise their rates all at the same time, same rates?



Does anyone of a very cheap and affordable health insurance that covers dermatology?

do you?



I had a little accident and I have some questions about car insurance.?

I rear ended my cousins brand new car. I have car insurance, that's not the problem. The problem is that she hasn't had car insurance for the past two months AND she doesn't have a drivers license, only a permit. When I call my insurance company to report this, are they going to ask for her information? Is there anyway to get around this? What should I do?



Car insurance for the young?

any body know where to find cheap car insurance for my son aged 17 tried the usual site ie compare and money just got him a 1999 1,2 corsa i have ten years ncb on my own car the wife has been on my policy for 7 years with no claims the corsa is going to be registred in my wife name thanks very much



Is there a site cheaper then to find cheap car insurance?

Is there a site cheaper then to find cheap car insurance?



Car insurance help please?

Can you give me a estimate on how much my car insurance would be if I get on by myself. I heard it'll be high. I'm 18, and have a Bonneville...thanks



What is life insurance?

Life insurance is suppose to be used as a protection of income. In case you die, your family is protected from devastation of substantial income loss. But, many insurance companies are selling it as an additional source of income or as an investment, which is really is not. Therefore, many families who have life insurance are underinsured because these cash value life insurance are very expensive. If you are using life insurance solely for the purpose of saving up for a goal or emergency, why aren't you investing it in mutual funds or put it into an IRA? If you are afraid of the stock market, then open a money market account. If you are saving up for your kids education, then open a 529 plan. All these alternative ways are better than keeping your money in a life insurance because you never have to pay it back if you use them. As to life insurance, if you use any of the cash value, you will have to pay it back with interest.



What Dog breeds lower home owners insurance?

My hubby and I just bought our 1st home and heard that owning a certain type of breed of dog such as a German shepherd will lower homeowners insurance because its considered a good guard dog that can protect the home. I'm wondering if they're any more breeds that we can choose from since we're looking to add a dogie addition to our family. Thank you in advance!!



Insurance wants to total my car?

We got rear ended couple of days ago, some bumper damage and chipped paint. According to the repair shop there is no internal or inside damage to it. Nether the less it would cost about $1000-1500 to fix it (bumper would be replaced). I have 1995 Toyota Corolla DX, and it drives great. I really love it, and didn't plan on getting rid of it. The garage is saying that once we submit the claim, chances are Very high that the insurance company would just total it, because the car is old and has miles on it. We wouldn't get a lot for it, not enough to buy another car for sure. And to drive it with the cracked/dented bumper I don't want either. What to do so insurance will not to total it? We just have done some work to it, and all that money would be wasted too! I'm so lost!!!



Which car do you think has higher insurance?

For my first car i want either a Subaru Impreza rs 2001(gc8) or a Toyota Corolla 2007 CE. The Toyota will be new. Which one do you think will have cheaper insurance?



Car stolen, will insurance pay?

my car was stolen out of our driveway . i wanted to go to work and had everything in the car . i left to get my sleeping child andwhen i went out the car was gone . not even 3 minutes later. they recoverd the car . damaged but not the person yet . my husband is affraid that the insurance will not pay since the keys were in the car along with all my creditcards and house keys .the car was on our property next to the house . i have nightmares about it . please help



Is Texas a no-fault insurance state?

My G-Friend recently met with a car accident and we are still waiting for the accident report to determine the fault. She was not hurt but the other driver was hospitalized. Your opinions and suggestions welcome about how to handle this with Insurance company and attorney if required.



What is The best Auto Insurance to get?

What is The best Auto Insurance to get?



If someone, such as my sister, borrows my car and gets a ticket, will MY car insurance rates go up?

This hasn't happened yet, but I am afraid it will. Yes, she speeds, but hasn't gotten caught yet. While she is insured to drive under my parent's plan, this car and my insurance are on a completely separate plan altogether.



How much is Audi A4 1.8t insurance?

I know there are a lot of things to take into consideration when getting insurance quotes and all but I was on craigslist and I found a nice little 2005 Audi A4 1.8t and I wanted to get an idea of insurance. I know that it is considered a luxury sedan and its foreign from Germany so those are going to make it more expensive. It puts out around 170hp and 160 trq. The car has great crash test ratings too. Seller is asking a little under $6000 and I don't know how many miles are on it yet. Other things to consider are that im only 19 so it would go under my fathers name. I know its hard to estimate what insurance would be but if anyone can come up with a good idea or if they own one themselves. Im not completely sold on the car but I just wanted a little help from the yahoo community. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I know Im not giving you a lot of info to work with.



What is the standard recommended auto insurance coverage in the state of Texas?

The minimum coverage that would give you adequate protection.



So I'm 18 years old and i have a 2001 mazda protege. what's the cheapest car insurance i can get in Georgia?

please be honest because i really need to know.



Average house insurance in Canada?

What is the average amount of money you pay in house insurance in Canada? It would be nice if you have a site link, because this is for a school project. Also, how much do more



16 year old car insurance?

Im a 16 year old boy and am looking to buy my first car. How much more will insurance cost on average if i buy a 2 door car as opposed to a 4 door? I am thinking of buying a 1997 Toyota Celica or a 96-01 Acura integra either 2 door or 4. I am going to take drivers ed too because i know that lowers your rates. I also have 4 A's and 3 B's in school.



Is classic car insurance better for a 1984 corvette or regular car insurance?

im planning on getting a 1984 corvette but the insurance for it is a little too high.i just found out about classic car insurance but i really don't know much about it.but for classic car insurance,am i limited to a certain number of things like how far i can drive my car,when i can drive,etc?will the insurance actually be less or more for classic car insurance?and what is the best classic car insurance company i should go with?



How is 18yr old meant to get car insurance?

I live in London and passed my test in February. I own Renault Clio 1.2 And the cheapest quote i got so far is 305 pounds per month, which is way too much for me. What companies are cheap? What can i do to start driving legally, searching for insurance is frustrating Dont say price comparison websites they suck cheapest quote there was 8k per year



How long is a quarter period in insurance?

My insurance says: Family coverage: $2,213 per quarter So how long is that? 3 months or what?



Car wreck with no insurance in tennessee?

I was recently involved in a car wreck where I wasn't insured whatsoever. This wreck was considered road rage on both parts. I didn't initiate the road rage. I had a dip spit bottle thrown at my car. It went in and all over me. I followed the other vehicle til he bowed up and stop in front of me where I then rear ended him. He was driving a '99 cadillac escalade and it didn't damaged anything but his bumper. He had insurance thus he didn't get a ticket I don't believe but I did and it says I didn't have insurance the time of the accident and a court date that follows up. My questions are what will exactly happen in court?? I have never been in a wreck. I now have insurance. I'm young. What will the court cost be? How will I pay him? Is there anything that I should know other than to show up?



One more question on insurance,,,, do I HAVE to cancel existing insurance on my mums car.....?

i have a quote from an insurance company who is willing to give me temporary car insurance for 3 months on my mums car, it works out cheaper then going on as second driver, they said i have to cancel my mums insurance but maybe that is because they wanna make money at the end of the day, my mum is saying i don't have to cancel the existing insurance but i aint sure, i just think she is worried she may not get the refund for paying for a full years insurance if she cancels... help me out guys !!?


Cars cheap to insure for new drivers?

Hi, ive just passed my driving test and im looking for a little car to get me mainly to and from my boyfriends, to work and to uni. i only need a 1L, something small and nippy but also quite cheap to insure. i know it will still be quite high insurance with me being a new driver, im 21. any ideas? ive been looking at fiat puntos and clios etc, but im not very clued up about cars or what ones would be classed as 'new driver cars' thanks in advance for any answers :)


What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance?

What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance?



Know any good insurance companies that will insure a home under renovation that we're living in?

We bought a foreclosure that needs a fair amount of work. We made it habitable and then moved in so we can work on one room at a time. What insurance company would be able to insure this home without raking us over the coals, even though the home may not be considered complete ?



Car Insurance, should I go as a named driver?

I am 25, just passed, I got a quote from the post office for a 2001 MITSUBISHI Colt 1.3 Equippe at 2500 for the year... I live in a posh area (my nan n grandads) and the car will be parked on the drive. If I go as a named driver on my Grandad's insurance, who has plus 10yrs no claims how much cheaper do you think it will be? Does my Grandad have to buy the car in his name? What's the best way I can do this? Or should I just drive his punto 1.2l as a named driver, as a guess how much do you think i will have to pay extra so my grandad is still paying the same he usually does?



Can anyone tell me approximately, how much car insurance is in southern ireland for...?

20 year old female using peugeot 306 car? just passed test btw!



Why is the health care bill being compared to car insurance?

No one is forced to drive, but we are forced to buy health insurance?



When looking at car insurance is the Claims Legal Assistance Service worth it?

When looking at car insurance is the Claims Legal Assistance Service worth it?



Do auto insurance companies have authority to require social security numbers for policyholders?

In applying for auto insurance, I note that several companies want social security numbers from applicants. Is this a legal requirement for obtaining auto insurance? or is it the policy of the insurer? or is it optional?



Which company provide online health insurance?

I want to buy health insurance online without any agent. Will you please suggest me the best online health insurance plan? Thanks in Advance



What cars are listed as sports cars for insurance?

I want a car but it cant be listed as a sports car. And all the cars i like either are or idk. so what cars are sports cars?



Kaiser Insurance Premiums Refund?

I enrolled in Kaiser through State of California Employee Insurance program. Right after the enrollment, I cancelled the Kaiser in the middle of Febuary because my wife's employer had better deal for the familiy insurance. Kaiser sent me the insurance card. However, I have not used the Kaiser health insurance. State of California deducted my payment for the premiums. Since Feburary was the first month of the insurance coverage, and I have not seen the doctor with Kaiser, could I ask Kaiser to refund the premiums? Should I contact Kaiser directly or I have to go through State of California HR? Thanks.



Will my insurance go up when someone hits me?

I was driving on the highway, suddenly traffic slows down and we were driving at regular speed (65). i check my side mirror's, and the next thing i know my brand new car has no bumper. some idiot did not pay attention and he hit me. total repair is $1538. now, will his insurance call my insurance and let them know about it? will my insurance rates rise even though its not my fault?



Will pre-existing conditions be covered by healthcare insurance offered by another employer?

I'm currently covered through my employer-sponsored healthcare insurance provided by Anthem Blue Shield/Blue Cross of California. If I decide to accept a job with another employer and a different healthcare insurance company, will my pre-existing conditions be covered? One of those conditions was surgery to remove neuroendocrine tumors.



How do I know if my auto insurance settlement offer is fair?

How do I know if my auto insurance settlement offer is fair?



How will my insurance work out tomorrow when I buy the new car?

I called a friend earlier this week to buy insurance. He gave me a quote I like, and tomorrow I want to go ahead and get the car. Do I just call my friend and tell him I'm buying it, and will need the insurance?



Insurance- dui-?

if i get convicted of a dui- my insurance will go up correct, the question i have is how long will i be paying the higher premium? 10 years? 5 years? 1 year? and also what is the avergae price it goes up considering i am 23 years old no tickets or accidents till the dui accident(hit a tree) live in southern california and drive a mustang gt i pay 160 with the accident right now(i think i paid 100-125ish before the accident. thanks



Can Cancer patients have the life insurance? ?

Is it possible cancer patients getting life insurance...



Can I legally drive my fiances mothers car; will her insurance cover me?

I'm 20, I will be 21 in a month. I got my Provisional Drivers License today. I have a toddler, and am pregnant. We live in Calvert County, Maryland. My fiance and I live with his parents, we rent 2 rooms. His mother is 69, and has All State car insurance, not sure what plan. Can I legally drive her car infrequently, like to the grocery store, or to OB appointments here and there without having insurance myself? Does it depend on her plan? She's going to call them tomorrow to see, but I'd just like to see what answers I get on here tonight. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.



How much would i pay for car Insurance?

How much would i pay for car Insurance for cheap car that cost me honda accord 2000,I am 28 Years old, never been in any accident,I got my license 8 years ago



Young adult health insurance?

Young adult son cannot find job, not in college, has no health insurance - any ideas?



Has anyone used Cover Me Insurance Agency to buy Truck Insurance?

I'm a truck driver in need of truck insurance and filled out their quote form online at but have not heard back from them. I called them about 3am to leave a message but they don't even have a way to leave a message. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this truck insurance agency.



Where can i get a Tb test in NYC with no insurance?

can i just go to any hospital and pay to get it done?



How does car insurance really work?

I've been driving for 6 years now, and carry car insurance. One thing about it that doesn't really make sense to me is this : If I get hit by someone without car insurance, my insurance won't pay. Why is that? They will pay if it's my fault, but if it's not my fault, they won't. That doesn't make any sense to me. I'm paying to cover my car, so it shouldn't matter what insurance the other car has. Someone please explain this to me.



Exchange insurance/registration info...?

It's about my friend hitting a parked car again. The other party got his insurance+registration, should my friend get their's even though no one was in the car? thanks



Car insurance rates?

i am a 23 year old male and have a 1993 lexus sc 300 auto 2 dr. i know for a male the rates go down when you hit 25 years old, but is there anything when you turn 23? doesnt it go down a lil. i have had 1 ticket for speeding in nov of 2005, but took that course online to get it off my record since it was my first one.



Is this car insurance company good? I got a very reasonable quote of 1,500 a year from that website whereas everywhere else the minimum I could find is 4,700 to insure my dad's bmw 325i under my name ( he bought a new 5 series). But the downside to this is that the excess fee to any claim is 3,000. Either way it is cheaper than most insurance companies so what do you think of the company? because Iv never heard of it before and it does sound a bit fishy. In case it 24 and have been driving a gsxr750 for 2 years until last november during the snow I was involved in a horrifying crash which ended up my bike being written off.


Cars cheap to insure for new drivers?

Hi, ive just passed my driving test and im looking for a little car to get me mainly to and from my boyfriends, to work and to uni. i only need a 1L, something small and nippy but also quite cheap to insure. i know it will still be quite high insurance with me being a new driver, im 21. any ideas? ive been looking at fiat puntos and clios etc, but im not very clued up about cars or what ones would be classed as 'new driver cars' thanks in advance for any answers :)


Whats the cheapest car insurance for someone that has points on the their driving record.?

Whats the cheapest car insurance for someone that has points on the their driving record.?



Cheap health insurance for college students?

I live in Orlando, FL and i'm a non-smoking college student. Does anyone know of any cheap health insurance or even health discount plans that I could get on just to cover the cost of my Bipolar disorder meds and possibly a couple of visits to the psychiatrist? Yearly physicals and examinations I can handle, but this psychiatrist that I see is $200.00 a visit PLUS the cost of all of the perscriptions he prescribes to me. HELP!



Are there any classic car insurance companies that insure young drivers under 21?

Are there any classic car insurance companies that insure young drivers under 21?



I need cheap car insurance!!?

i am 18, i have a 1990 accord worth about 1700, and ive been driving for 4 months now, no tickets or problems, i need some cheap car insurance since my dad wont insure me with his company.... i just need some cheap *** company, i dont really care if they dont really cover well. i live in California, in the southbay. is there any cheap insurance such as those little cheap looking stores you would see around your city?? the ones that have banners that say they offer insurance as low as 22 a month??....have in mind that i just need something so i can drive since i need it by law.



Licence and Insurance?

im 17 years old and i have my probationary quebec licence. I am insured on the car and am able to drive it alone but with 4 points and 0 alcohol tolerance. Would i be able to drive in the USA with my licence? but i would have to get insured with an american company. any idea how much that would cost? thanks



Car insurance?

got 12 months car ins due renewel in one month letter came thought door and it said ins cancelled 5 months ago but i did not cancel so really i been driving with no ins can i get full refund when i rang ins they said it was not cancelled but say so on letter the woman on phone said it was cancelled 1 month ago i said not bye me she also said the same to me and the manger going to look into it and ring back to day has not done so also they are trying to charge me 20 for cancellation and i think it should be void can i get a refund or sue them



Why is my insurance quote 10 times higher than last year?

So, i got my motorcycle license last summer and bought a 2003 Kawasaki ZX6R for $5000. My insurance from Progressive was $1700 for the year (full coverage). I rode it for two months before it got stolen. In those two months i got one ticket for straddling lanes. Once the bike got stolen i got all my money back. Now, I'm looking to get the same bike again. I just called Progressive and they want $6056 per year for full coverage!!!! And if i were to buy a brand new 2007 model it would be $10000!! So, $6056 for a $5000 bike? And $10000 for a $9000 bike? What gives? One ticket and the theft did this? I don't get it. What are my options?



Where can I get cheap bike insurance?

I'm having trouble getting a decent quote for my ZX7R, due to my no claims being void becase I haven't ridden for 4 years. Can you help?



Which is the best insurance company for motorcycle insurance?

I have honda aero motorcycle 750 cc.. may i know which is the best company to go with????? Thanks



Insurance rate for a 2000 toyota celica?

Insurance rate for a 2000 toyota celica?



Is motorcycle insurance cheaper than car insuracne?

for an 18 year old in mississauga ontario, canada would bike insuracne be cheaper than car insureacne on for(part-time car driver)?



Life and Health Insurance Exam- I have taken it like 5 times and not been able to pass it?

I have been doing this online course, and it has a lot of good information but it seems like on the test, there is a lot of stuff I didn't ever see when taking the test. Is there any alternative way to getting a license? Like online? If not, what are some other good ways to study for it? Thanks



Does car insurance insure the driver or the actual car?

I know that its CAR insurance but I have heard two different things - car insurance covers the car and it covers the driver. I'd just like to know which one it actually covers. Thanks!!



How do young teens without insurance afford child birth?

I am just curious. My old ex GF had 3 kids before age 21. One of which ended up needed urgent care after birth and died in the hospital a few days later. So the hospital stays were definitely not cheap. She has no insurance, no parents have insurance either and arent in her life at all. I am curious as to how she ended up paying for all this? My guess is that she is in serious credit card debt for all this but I wanted to know how this is possible? Any opinions?



About health insurance....?

If u have 2 health insurances, whatever your primary doesn't cover, your secondary will? My primary insurance sucks, but then i have the Unions insurance as secondary.



Who is covered with car insurance?

if I let my friend use my car is she covered under my car insurance? I've heard that it is the car that is covered, not the specific person... is that true?



UK car insurance cost for 17 year old female?

I have just past my test and don't have a car yet. Am wanting to get a small car, 1.2 engine. Could anyone give me rough price guide as to how much the insurance will cost me each year. Thanks x



What are some good health insurance plans?

We're trying to find one with low Coinsurance, I can't afford to pay 50% on a surgery -_- Anything good and affordable you guys recommend for families?



Cheap or free help with medical insurance?

I need health insurance for myself my children are covered under medicade and I need health insurance that is free or cheap



How much is the cost of a health insurance policy for a family of 5 in USA?

lets assume Joe (38years old) and Sally (38years old) public both work and make a total of $70,000 a year between them. They have 3 children, Todd, 15, Gwen 13, and Gina 10. They have to buy their own health insurance since their employers do not provide it. They want a plan that does the following: max $25 dollar deductible for any visit to a doctor....and then 80% of all cost after that up to an individual maximum cost per person per year of $2000 at which point the insurance will pick up 100% up to $300,000 per person per year. Dental and vision coverage is a flat 80% of all procedures after $25 deductible. If this family goes out in the market place to buy this insurance, how much will it cost them per month.



How much is car insurance?

I know it depends on a lot of things, but whenever I mention me getting my license, they have the same excuse over and over... So what's an idealistic amount for a young teen w/ 3.0+gpa and a sports car be? In california.



How much will car insurance cost me? a 18 yr girl in PA no violations or accidents on my record?

How much will car insurance cost me (est.) ? a 18 y/o girl in PA no violations or accidents on my record



Where can i find good health insurance in san francisco?

Where can i find good health insurance in san francisco?



What state or states do not require car Auto insurance in order to own a car and use it ?

I would like to know what states in USA do not require car Auto insurance for the owner or user of the car he or she is driving? If there is such a state please prove me where you get the source! And How does the driver pay off all the victims billing cost after injuring this victim and victim has a bunch of bills coming in from Hospital service? If now you agree with me that all drives should be required to pay and have auto insurance, This is the same reason is why all people need to have healthcare insurance who can afford it! Not only it will keep the insurance cost lower for average person, everyone is now guaranteed to qualify without being denied due to history, disability, or medical cost person needs, but if everyone has health insurance nation wide medical expense will be less rising; like people who did not have insurance get into accident/injury Whether falling off a cliff, get hit by a car and driver drives off, or gets injured due to snake bite. NONE of them are intentional or expected but they happen and many other! If everyone is insured the insurance pays for the medical expenses whether its $500 or $500K But if not everybody has healthcare insurance average person wont be able to afford the $full medical bill will be hunted by collection agency but still not likely to pay any more then $5000 for medical expenses! There for the rest of the medical cost falls on WHOM??? THE TAX TAPYERS OR OTHER medical service Customers!!! By raising the prices of medical expenses! THAT is why Californias Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance Raised about 57% cost in 2010 or 2011!! What do you expect if Thousand or millions of Illegal most Latino immigrant get Medical service in Hospitals like even Child birth, or emergency room, but they dont have medical insurance, cant afford it, YOU SEE that raised their insurance cost BY 57%!!! DO YOU WANT THIS TO HAPPEN NATION WIDE?? IF NO If you want Medical cost to remain affordable, THEN A) Support National Healthcare that everybody should have it who can afford it B) In order to receive Fed/State TAX, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid from the Illegal Immigration should be attempted to be caught and exported to their main country, or should be attempted to be caught and if given full citizen ship to them only if these immigrants must server some number of years of Army, military, or Air force service voluntarily. OR be required to pay a minimum amount of $ that individual invested into the Social Security system, or minimum number of years legally work in U.S.A, if they want to receive the Social Security benefits if future. HOWEVER How many years serving , How much individual or couple invested minimum, and /or how many minimum number of years in order to qualify for Social Security service is up to the government to calculate and decide. THIS WAY Citizens Will all be able to fully pay their medical expenses, and The illegal immigration will not be as big of an issue!



Insurance on a ninja 250?

Hey I have been looking for my first bike and since I have no experience shifting and riding I want a small bike so I was thinking a ninja 250. From what I have seen they have plenty of power for me, and in my price range so I was wondering how much these cost to insure? I have allstate for my car if that matters? thanks a lot. and please don't tell me I need to be safe... I am already signed up for my permit class and a safety class. and I am no wheelie riding 100mph rider... just looking to commute and go for rides. Thanks


Cars cheap to insure for new drivers?

Hi, ive just passed my driving test and im looking for a little car to get me mainly to and from my boyfriends, to work and to uni. i only need a 1L, something small and nippy but also quite cheap to insure. i know it will still be quite high insurance with me being a new driver, im 21. any ideas? ive been looking at fiat puntos and clios etc, but im not very clued up about cars or what ones would be classed as 'new driver cars' thanks in advance for any answers :)


Lending your car to somebody - insurance issues?

This is for Ontario drivers in specific, however any information is appreciated. Basically, what are the legalities of lending your car to somebody (just for a day)? What happens if they get in an accident? Does your insurance cover it? Would your rates go up? Thanks!!



Is motorcycle insurance expensive in southern california for an 18 year old male?

i want to drive a motorcycle, but if the insurance is too expensive, then ill refrain from it. How much is it for a male, 18 years?



Insurance quote for 2001 Chevy Impala LS with 114000 miles?

I am just curious how much insurance would be on my gf 2001 Impala with a 3.4 and 114000 miles on it. She has a clean driving record?



What is a good place to get affordable health insurence if your employer dosn't offer any?

What is a good place to get affordable health insurence if your employer dosn't offer any?



Does anyone know car insurance rates?

I wanted to know whats the average rate of car insurance for an 18 year old female..?



Should I accept a $500 settlement from an insurance company for a stiff neck suffered in a car accident?

I was a passenger in a car accident two weeks ago. My only injury is a stiff neck. The insurance company of the at-fault driver has offered me $500 to settle. Should I accept it or fight for more (for example, by threatening to sue)? Should I see a doctor and bill the insurance company for that, even though I wouldn't normally see a doctor for this injury? I'm not really concerned about the seriousness of the injury; the pain will probably go away eventually. I just want to get the amount of money I deserve.



Can i get my parents Life Insurance?

Were can i get life Insurance for my parents? Im gonna be a Lawyer and they get good money. Also i want my parents to leave me money when they pass away. Im gonna be happy with money. I live in the Bay Area. what is the most that life insurance could give you? How much will you pay a month for the highest one?



Adrian flux car insurance?

is this a good car insurance company, has anybody got any good/bad coments or opinions about this company, i am a new driver and this will be my first insurance so i would like the advice. thankz in advance!



How much do you pay for insurance? What kind of car?

How much do you pay for insurance? What kind of car?



Car insurance or is it?

My truck was broke into a couple of hours ago and my pistol was stolen. i called the insurance (farmers) and they said the gun isn't covered by car insurance, it's only covered by homeowners insurance, and no my truck was not at my house. does this sound right to anybody? i don't understand what full coverage means if they don't fully cover everything.



Do Car Insurance rates go up when being rear ended?

I was rear ended and it was NOT my fault. I live in California and have State Farm. Will my rates go up?



Do i have to have credit check to get car insurance?

i have a bad credit form when i was made redundant i am paying them off now but i still owe will i be able to get car insurance with this on my record, if yes could you provide some companies who i could contact.



Car insurance question?

My dad has got me a new car through finance, but the car is in his name as my credit is not strong enough for finance. Is there any insurance I can get that still gives me my points per year? Thanks



16 year old guys, how much do you pay in auto insurance every month?

im tired of filling out online quote forms, just so it can tell me to call a customer service rep. i dont even have a car yet, but im planning on getting one, and im just wondering what the average for 16 year old guys is for auto insurance how much do you pay for insurance per month, how old are you, what do you drive? is it like $150, $200, $250, $300



Periodontal Insurance in Iowa?

I have major gum resession and I need a transplant, which means I need to visit a peridontist. Problem is, I can't find one in Iowa that takes my insurance. (Hawk-i) I really need the surgery and I've been searching for months and haven't had any luck. Please, someone help me out, please.



Will Geico raise my insurance?

I recently got a ticket for going 30mph over and I will most likely get 4 points on my license if I choose not to hire an attorney. If I take the 4 points, how long would it take to get the points erased for my license? And will Geico raise my insurance rate? I'm in Florida



How much is the ticket for driving with no insurance in missouri?

How much is the ticket for driving with no insurance in missouri?



Cost of car insurance for a 20 year old male in california?

Cost of car insurance for a 20 year old male in california?



How to upgrade my current auto insurance?

I'm currently looking for a financed car, but I don't want to make a purchase without first understanding how much my insurance will cost to upgrade to full coverage. I contacted my current auto insurance (GMAC Insurance/National General Insurance). I was told that in order to be quoted for a new car, they would have to delete my car from my policy & put the new car on. I'm not understanding why my car has to be deleted just to get a quote for something I haven't purchased. I'm constantly getting the run around with this. Shouldn't I just be able to be quoted the new car without it affecting my current policy?



Which car would be better for insurance costs?

I'm female, 25 years old, and looking to finance my first car. (And if it matters, I'm in Ontario, Canada.) I know I can call and get a quote - but wanted to open it up to the Y!A community first :) Also, I have a clean driving record, my full G license, and I took driver's ed. What are insurance rates like for each of these cars? (And if you have experience, which car would you recommend based on performance, gas, etc?) **All of the cars I'm looking at are either 06, 07, or 08 - Volkswagen Jetta - Ford Focus - Chevy Aveo - Hyundai Accent .... so basically, a smaller car. (I really like the 2007 VW Jetta)



Is Diesel cheaper than gasoline for insurance?

i need a 4x4 truck, im 16, which is cheaper for insurance?



Good medical insurance?

im in need of good medical insurance company that is affordable we do not qualify for government aid or medical coverage any suggestion our family consist of two children me and my husband??? we are self employed please help kaiser just raised our rates



Question on car insurance?

My grandmother passed away, and on her car insurance, my uncle was the primary driver. Since my grandmother died and my uncle was on the policy as the primary driver, would it be ok to leave her name on the policy? We want to leave her name on it cause its the last thing that she got in her name, kind of a sentimental thing. But would it be ok to leave her name on the policy since my uncle is the primary driver? i have State Farm insurance if you need to know.



What's the cheapest insurance i can get?

I live in NYC, i'll be 18 in feb next year and i want to know how much i would have to pay for it. I can't be under someone else's insurance. I don't even have a car yet but it probably won't be anything over 7000 and probably 1990's or early 2000's. Thanks.



Is it true that my auto insurance rate will increase even if I repair my car privately?

My new 2009 honda civic's rear bumper got a little bit disfigured and scraped after a stupid little accident. Is there any way the insurance company would find out if I repair it privately (not through the insurance company)? If I bring it to the dealer body shop or a third party body shop, will they report it to the insurance company? I heard they will register the damage with the car's VIN to Carfax and that way the insurance company will know. Is that true?? Please advise. Thanks!


Cars cheap to insure for new drivers?

Hi, ive just passed my driving test and im looking for a little car to get me mainly to and from my boyfriends, to work and to uni. i only need a 1L, something small and nippy but also quite cheap to insure. i know it will still be quite high insurance with me being a new driver, im 21. any ideas? ive been looking at fiat puntos and clios etc, but im not very clued up about cars or what ones would be classed as 'new driver cars' thanks in advance for any answers :)