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What are the minimum legal requirements for auto insurance in california ?

What are the minimum legal requirements for auto insurance in california ?



New driver, car, insurance etc..?

I've started saving for my first car, driving lessons and tests, and obviously insurance. Any tips on choosing a car, and a teacher? How much would it cost, roughly? Detailed answers really appreciated, thankyou x



How much does American spend on average on car monthy payments, insurance, gas, and maintenance each year?

How much does American spend on average on car monthy payments, insurance, gas, and maintenance each year?



How much Insurance do I need to pay for a 2.5 million hause.?

How much Insurance do I need to pay for a 2.5 million hause.?



Cost of Car Insurance for an Escalade EXT?

Cost of Car Insurance for an Escalade EXT?



What is the best insurance company to insure an enagement ring?

I'm looking for a dependable insurer that will insure an engagement ring; not an add-on policy to a homeowner's or renter's insurance. Moreover, a company that will soley insure a piece of jewelry.



How much would insurance cost for a 22 year old to be insured with his mother?

My mum has been driving for 24 years . The car I want to be a secondary driver is the Honda Jazz 2004 which is 1.3 Litre. How much is insurance looking to cost around?



Would my insurance rates go up if i switched banks?

I have USAA and we have our home insurance and both car insurance loans, checking and savings through them, but we want to switch just our checking and savings to a different bank, would that effect our insurance rates?



Was to help make health care plan was to help make health care more affordable, what happened?

It does not seem it is going in that direction; it seems like more of a insurance sale for insurance company.



How much more will my insurance cost go up with a careless driving ticket?

I'm 16 and totaled a 18,000$ car and the insurance company will probably have to dish out at least 30,000$ in costs for hospital bills and so on. I know I wasn't driving safe and now i'm paying for it so don't heckle me. I have Triple A insurance if that matters, I might go to another company idk.



The minimum amount your auto insurance must cover per accident is:?

In California is? A. $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 B. $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 C. $20,000; $25,000; $15,000 D. $5,000; $15,000; $10,000 Thanks!



Getting car insurance with a suspended license?

I posted this question a couple days. I thought I would share my information. My son (not having a valid Drivers License) was able to obtain car insurance through a reputable insurance company. We went to the DMV and got his new registration for his car, and showed proof of insurance. He has 45 days to show he paid his tickets and his license was reinstated. Just thought I would share this information.



So what are all the people who have been laid off doing for health insurance now?

Most can't afford Cobra coverage... And as insurance gets more expensive and more companies pass on the costs to the people or cut out insurance coverage altogether, what's the average Joe going to do?



Car insurance yay...?

So first off let me just say I know that all the variables going into this will change the price I.e. Type of car I have, distance I'll be driving etc. I was just curious if anyone could tell me how much I would expect to pay a month for car insurance if I was voided the last time around? I was paying 90$ a month last time (they over charged me so I didn't pay it the next month, then I quit my job. I know smart, right! Lol.) Would it double just because in the past I've shown that I'm not reliable? Do you also HAVE to have full coverage on a car you haven't fully paid off yet? This might be dif state to state. (MN) Any good info would be appreciated thanks :)



Car insurance rate, Toronto, 18 year old?

How much for a MALE 18 year old, 20 year old, and 25 year old would car insurance cost if you got your License when you were 16. In Toronto.



I need my car on the road to get me to work but the insurance is way to high?

Im 18 year old and need my car on the road to get myself to work but the insurance is about 2500 or higher. Does anyone know a company that deals with young drivers or knows a way around it to make it cheaper.



Can a college student go back on her parent's insurance?

I am a college student and in 09 I went off my moms health insurance and went on my work ins. If I move and leave my job I may be left without ins is it possible to go back on my moms insurance? I heard you can stay on your parents ins if you are a college student until you are 26 not sure if I can go back though.. Any info will help!



How much does it cost a car insurance in NYC?

not a new car



How much does it cost to live on your own in western Washington?

I am 20 yrs. old and it's just time to move out. I was wondering what all the expenses are that go into living on your own. Also I am attending communtiy college, and though it is paid for I will not be working full time so I will be living on a budget. I know the general cost of rent, car insurance, cell, gas but I really have no idea as far as food, utilies, cleaning supply, soaps, all those little thing you dont think about untill they add up. So in addtion to all that feel free to share some expenses that took you be surprise! Thanks everyone :)



Car Insurance in Florida?

Hi! Does anyone know how expensive car insurance in Florida is? Specifically, Progressive insurance? Does anyone that has Progressive know if it is more expensive in Florida versus another state, like Wisconsin?



What are the average insurance rates in ontario?

like yearly, and how much would it cost for me to insure my car right after i get my license?



Insurance auctions/Salvage yards websites???

can anyone tell me good websites that sale salvage/insurance auction cars ......i live in south texas........



My car got totalled and my car insurance expired. HELP!!!?

My brother totaled my car and i cant get it fixed because my car insurance expired. Can I wait to get my insurance renewed and get it fixed or just forget about it and get a new car under a new insurance policy?



Price Would Car Insurance?

I have like no idea how everything works.. what would be a good starting car to just start driving in? im 17 soon and ill be going for my driving lessons soon.. and i want to know what the sort of insurance prices would be for an 18 year old..thanks x Sorry if i talk too much lol.



Cheap car insurances?

Where to find really cheap car insurances? I want to buy a $200 car mainly to run it into my friend's $200 car (kind of like playing bumper cars with real cars). I need a really cheap insurance that will basically only allow this car to be legal. I don't plan on making any claims on it or using it for anything other than playing around on private property. Only want to make it road legal. Any suggestions? I am looking for something under 50$ per month


cat insurance quotes uk

cat insurance quotes uk


My insurance and buying a new car?

Ok so I've been recently driving for more than 2 years and i haven't been in any accidents (knock on wood) and I've been looking into buying a new car (current car is 22 years old). Buuuuut my dad told me since that we're with Mercury insurance, i have to wait a total or estimate of three years to buy a new car without my insurance going through the roof. Do i really have to wait another year to buy my car???? Should i just wait? I plan on buying a 2014 Chevy Cruze 2.0TD



Stopped for no car insurance but we do have insurance car seized not fair?

11.30pm last night pulled over said no insurance.Did not have insurance document in the car,just the license.Because of the time they seized the car because they could not phone the insurance company.Told them only way i can get proof is bank statement as i was 20 miles from home,but that was still not good enough.I have paid insurance by direct debit for the last 2 years and no i am well cheesed off this has happened. Have produced the lenience at local station,and shown them documents,they phoned the insurance company and have now give released papers to pick up the car.I am very unhappy with this whole situation and now out of pocket. Is there anyway of claiming the costs from police or insurance company,whoever it is to blame,as there is no way i can be liable for something i am paying for,and to pay 30in taxi fares another 20 to get to the car compound and another 170 to release the car.There must be a way i claim this money back as i feel i am in the have to fight the 200 fine and 6points also totally unfair and messed up situation this is. I just can't except the inconvenience and the costs that i have to pay when i am legit on the road.surely i can claim if anyone knows



At 14 and 16, can my boyfriend and I get health insurance together?

Can we get a plan together for our baby on the way and us? We'd like to pay for it ourselves and we need health insurance for the baby and I.



Where can I find an insurance company to....?

... cover all of my insurance needs?



Health Insurance?




Luxury cars with low insurance rates?

I was wondering what types of luxury cars would have the lowest insurance rates? I would prefer either a sedan or coupe. So in the category of luxury sedan/coupe, what would be the lowest insurance rate? I don't care about the price of the car itself, I just want one that doesn't have me paying a bunch every month, non-stop. My definition of low is around the neighborhood of $60, preferably lower obviously. If there is no such thing, then please tell me the closest to it. Thank you in advance.



What would be the cost of a doctor visit for a pregnant woman who doesn't have health insurance?

its for a health project and if you could also help answer these other questions -does the baby have to get vaccines their first year of life? if so, what are the vaccines required, and what are they for? -what does it cost for a week of child care at a daycare center or a private day care facility? -What doctor specializes in the prenatal care of babies and also in the delivery of babies? Does this take extra training? If so, what? -What is the average cost per week for providing for and taking care of a baby? - List 10 reasons why teens should not be parents. - It is mostly the responsibility for the mother to provide care for the baby. Is this statement true or false?



What and who has the Cheapest car insurance for a 2005 Mustang?

i am getting a 2005 Ford mustang, and i wan to know who has the cheapest insurance for a mustang. thx



Will my insurance premium increase with no fault accidents?

I met with two accidents in the last 3 mths. Both were ones where the cars hits me at the rear end of my car so it wasnt my fault at all. Both accidents were reported to my insurance company (geico). I have never had any accidents before not have i had any tickets or violations before. I have been with geico for almost four years now. Will my premium go up on renewal? I have also heard that even if my premium may not increase, it will not even decrease upon renewal as it would have otherwise. Is this true? If yes, Is there anything I can do to prevent this?



How bad will the insurance coverage get under the Affordable Health Care Act? Mine just keeps getting worse?

Its now been changed to only cover 70% rather than 80%. The copay and deductible are higher. The notification said that the company I worked for was being pressured to reduce costs due to the Affordable Health Care Act. So now I guess I need a supplemental health insurance policy. I guess that looks better on Obama's statistics but it sure doesn't help the people who need insurance. How does that save me money? Why does anyone support this bill? It stinks.



How does car insurance work? (also whats better buying a car vs leasing)?

well im 16 right now. planning to save up till 18 and buy a car. my first question is, how does car insurance work? i know you have to pay monthly and depending on each car its different but would car insurance be cheaper when the car is leased? or when its bought? also i know each car depreciates alot every year. at first i was thinking of leasing it but now im not sure. can someone tell me what would be a better choice on the long run?



Short term insurance company's for 9 points +?

Hi i dont live in the uk and use my car for 3-5 days every 6 weeks when im there, i did have ecar insurance for 1 month when i was there for the summer, now that i want just 3-5 days insurance they wont quote me, ive tryed tempcover and they are no good !! all the ones ive come across wont insure me because i have 9 points.. witch is typical as they say they can insure up to 8 points... so my question to you is this do you know of any short term 3-5 day car insurance comapany's that take drivers with 9 points? its stupid that 1 or 2 mistakes leads down this poor road :P



Is an Acura TSX or an Acura TL good for a teenager?

my dad is looking for cars to get me and i was looking online and i found a 2007 tsx and a tl.. i like how they look.. the brand new ones, to me, are really ugly and plus the brand new ones are more expensive... im pretty sure my parents are okay with the prices of these but i was just wondering what u thought.. and im 16 by the way



Where can i buy health insurance?

I'm have a low income and I'm looking for a right insurance coverage. I work as a part time job so my employer won't buy an insurance for me. Please if anyone knows any more



Flight connection insurance?

Does anyone know of a company I can buy flight connection insurance from? I am taking a trip with two separate airline tickets. If the first flight is delayed, I might forfeit the second ticket and be forced to buy a very expensive last minute ticket. All the policies I have found online are packages that include medical, lost baggage etc. which I'm not interested in. Also, the companies I've found that offer missed connection insurance only offer meals and accomodation (not transportation) or have a limit too low to cover buying a new ticket.



Does registration of a car affect insurance rates?

My fiancs father gave us this old(99) car and signed it over to her. Last year we used that as a trade in for a new(08) car. We just transferred over the plates and registration because it was easier, she absolutely hated being there for as long as we were. Now she only has her permit but is under the insurance policy. If the car was registered to me, a licensed driver, would it affect our insurance policy/rates?



Is insurance a must for everybody to have?

Is insurance a must for everybody to have?



If someone is unemployed how do they get health insurance?

I'm trying to understand this Obamacare. What if a person is unemployed and has no income. How are they suppose to get health insurance? How are they gonna fine someone if they have no job. I know one of my friends rather pay the fine cause its cheaper then having health insurance, but what if a person has no job. I really am curious.



Is it cheaper to buy car insurance from an agent or online?

I just purchased a vehicle and I haven't had a vehicle in a while. Usually I'd get insurance from an agent in an office. I usually get a pretty good deal, but a lot of people are doing things online now for the convenience. What should I do?



How much do you pay for auto insurance?

I am currently a 24 year old male and I think my car insurance company is not giving me the best deal. Who do you get insurance from, how much do you pay and if you do not mind me asking, how old are you and what car you drive. Also what factors determine how much my insurance payments will be?



How good is the Cover Kids insurance in Tennessee?

I'm moving from California to Tennessee so we can afford to live on our own but their dad doesn't provide insurance and I'm thinking about running a daycare so I would have to buy insurance for them. I just want to make sure that Cover Kids is good insurance with good doctors, etc.



Insurance on a Corolla for Teenager??!?

I'm getting ready to buy my daughter a car && I need to know if insurance is high for a Toyota Corolla for my 16 year old. 2011 Toyota a Corolla or '10.



Im an insurance agent and just got a dwi. How will that affect my insurance license?

Im an insurance agent and just got a dwi. How will that affect my insurance license?



Why is group health insurance better than individual?

My employer is offering group insurance. My individual insurance seems like a better deal but everyone keeps saying group is better? Why is this?



Who s liable for car insurance in the state of MN?

Here's the deal...My bf took my car for the weekend out of town. While he was gone, someone hit my car in a parking lot and drove off....smashed my driver's side door in. It's a new car so I want it fixed ASAP. My thought is that his insurance should be covering it because he was in posession of my car...even if the person hit it and left. He is saying that my insurance should cover it....who is right? And why?


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cat insurance quotes uk


What is the normal procedure for a car accident without insurance?

On Febuary 2012, I had a car accident and I hit the FWD Nissan, The car that I hit is still drivable condition, the only damage that I caused was a dense on the door. But My car was damaged badly, but it was fixed for $4000. Six months later, I receieved a bill from other car insurer asked me to pay $12k for the repair of the damage. HOwever, I did not recieve any phone call from the victims or the victim's insurance company at all. So is that a proper procedure for the insurer to call me and ask me about the accident? Because I did not know what I did to pay $12k, as in you could buy a new car for that....



Cooperative young drivers insurance car modification?

Hi, I am looking forward to install a tuning box/chip tuning into my car, it is a under the hood performance modification and doesnt show anything on the exterior. Thanks!



'occasional driver' Car insurance?

Hi, I'm 18 and I'll be heading off to college in the fall and so won't be home very often. However when I am home I'd like to be insured on my dads car. I don't see the point in having to pay the same price for car insurance as someone who drives almost daily, so I wanted to know if there was a type of car insurance for the 'occasional' driver. I'll only be home on vacations, and even then I won't be driving all the time, but I really need a car insurance for when I do drive, mostly summers.



Have a Teenage son 18 and Want Car insurance let me know how much you paid and what Insurance co and what Car?




How to buy car insurance?

im goin to buy a used car this week. this is my first time to buy the car.but i dont have a car insurance. do i have to buy the insurance before buy the car or after buy the car. if after buy car can i drive the car without insurance?



How much $ does Geico Auto Insurance cover for car theft?

How much do these companys normally cover for auto theft? what % of the cars value?



Need advice: Parked car hit - Car has no insurance?

Ok, so last night my friends car was hit by a driver who fell asleep. the car was in front of our house and pushed 40ft and his flipped over. Both cars totaled. He has insurance, but my friends that was parked and hit, does not. Will this be an issue for her, or will his insurance be paying for everything since he was 100% at fault? Please help!



My insurance is running out?

I am 19 years old and my insurance is running out in two days because i have a job and are not going to school. I have a pretty bad medical history of anxiety problems and low immune system. When i was younger i was in the hospital every year for something like phneumonia or stomach virus of strep throat. I have agoraphobia pretty bad. It is very hard for me to go to wal mart and i cant travel out of town because my anxiety kicks in. Now my insurance is going out and i don't know what to do. Its driving me crazy. Any suggestions to a way of getting medical care for cheap without all the thousands of dollars in bills would be greatly appreciated.Thank everyone so much for answers:)



In terms of automobile insurance, California is a:?

At Fault state No-Fault state None of them Common Fault state San Andreas Fault State



Ripped off car insurance?

my daughter was a named driver on my policy she hit someones car and made 400worth of damage the owner of the other car had already got scatches etc on there car my insurance company was told of this i have just found out that 800+ has been made against me it looks like i have been ripped off surely this is fraud the 400 was a quote from a garage



Is there any major medical insurance for pre-exsiting conditions???

I take care of my 50 year old mother, who is on COBRA, which went up to 700.00 monthly. We cannot afford this, but she needs medical insurance due to her pace maker. We've tried medi-cal, SSI, ect. Her ex-husband will not help her. He actually left her because she is sick, with the woman he was cheating on her with. Then he married her a year later. I am out of options and she needs help. Someone, anyone, everyone....please help. If she doesn't get medical care for her conditions and medicines for her heart, she eventually will die.



What would the insurance on a 2004 audi a4 be?

i am a highschool student and i was wanting to know the insurance rate on the a4, it is a 1.8t, sportpackage, automatic. if this helps im a 4.0 student. any ball park estimate would be great. thank you



Are we still to be free enough to decide we don't want health insurance? Scary, no? And it was, believe it or not, worse to watch the absolute calmness in which she declared willingness to decide this type of thing for us. If I don't want health insurance, or if I have enough $$$ to pay cash up front for all my bills, I don't want someone telling me I have to spend my money on their program. It's bad enough they spend my tax money stupidly, now this? What say you all?



Is there a way to not have auto insurance when you will not be driving your car for a year?

I have a car loan that I still owe $15,000. I will be going to Mexico for a year and, therefore, will not be driving my car for a year. Is there a way to just insure the loan so that if the car starts on fire by itself or something I'll still be covered? If so, how much does that cost?



Will my parent's car insurance go up if I get my drivers license?

Ok I am 17 years old and will turn 18 soon. I have a lerners permit at the moment. My parents have Geico auto insurance and they will not let me get my drivers license because they said their rates would go up as long as I live at home and they can't afford to pay for my insurance. I called geico and they said it would go up,and they asked me what vehicle I would be driving. I told them that I don't have a car, and they said you have to be assigned to a car as a 'part time driver'. But the problem is, I don't need a car right now, I can drive a motorcycle. In the state of florida, motorcycle insurance is not required, but a class e drivers license is required to operate the motorcycle. So if I get my drivers license, why should my parents car insurance go up if I were to drive a motorcycle that does not require insurance at all?



What are the insurance range for a CBR600RR, beginner drive with 5 years of ecxcellent SUV driving expereinces

I live in So. Cal and want to purchase the CBR600RR (06-08 model) how much insurance should I expect to pay for this car?



Who has affordable health insurance for my family of 5 in virginia?

My husbands job provides insurance for $650 a month. We can't afford that at all. So looking for affordable health and dental please help we are in virginia. Thanks in advance



Can i pay gor someone elses car insurance?

Right so my mum bought a car and I love my mummy so I offered to pay for her car insurance but she said I won't be able to do that for some reason so (I'm her son btw) what I'm asking is if I put all the details in her name but put me down as an additional driver can I pay for the car insurance ?, it's cheaper that way too (for me) lol



How much MORE can you expect to pay on insurance for this car?

I know every person will have there own prices, but if i purchase a g35 coupe rather than a sedan, will the insurance skyrocket? I'm 20 yrs old, like 2 tickets, you think i should just go with the sedan?



Do I have to notify my auto insurance company if I was in a wreck?

Do I have to notify my auto insurance company if I was in a wreck AND it was NOT my fault? This is what happened: I was completely stopped because everyone else in front of me stopped in the middle of the road (some idiot in the front slammed on the brakes). A lady rams my rear end because she wasn't paying attention. My car got damaged, her's didn't. How do I go about claiming it? Is her insurance company going to pay for my repairs? Do I need to contact my insurance company at all? I don't want to pay anything and I don't want my rate to go up. Something I was planning to do way before all this happen was to change insurance companies because I can get the same coverage for less with someone else. Now if I tell my current insurance company that I was in a wreck and it was not my fault, would my new insurance company give me a higher rate than what I would've gotten if I didn't tell my insurance company?



Does insurance get cheaper with age or experience?

(UK) - I passed my test last summer. Just wondering does car insurance for young people get cheaper with how many miles they've driven/owned a car/been with an insurance company etc OR is just how long you have had your licence for? Cheers



What are some cars that are least expensive to insure for a 16 year old?

What are some cars that are least expensive to insure for a 16 year old?



How long do I have once I cancel my auto insurance in Florida?

Okay so I just got a quote from Geico that is half of what I'm paying my current insurance company. My insurance payment is due the 23rd though. Now they told me that the whole process of signing up would take from a few days to 30. I wont be driving my car these holidays so would it be possible for me to cancel my coverage with the other company and sign up with Geico. If I cancel will my license get suspended? I just don't wanna have to send the tag back because it cost me 400 dollars to take out.



Can I lose in small claims court if I got into a accident that wasn't my fault, but I didn't have insurance?

Can I lose in small claims court if I got into a accident that wasn't my fault, but I didn't have insurance?



I got a loan to pay for a car, is it paid for or finance (insurance purposes)?

I got the loan from a credit union, I used it to pay for the car, but I am not sure if I should select paid for or financed when filling out the application for car insurance. Help please!


cat insurance quotes uk

cat insurance quotes uk


Pulled over for no insurance but do have insurance?

today i got pulled over and couldn't find my insurance. i finally did find my insurance but the cop didn't want to write a new ticket. he said that i could take a copy of the insurance to the clerk at the police station and they would void the ticket. is this all correct?? also does this no anything to my insurance or points on my license. i live in missouri.



Insurance settlement in Arizona?

I hit rear-ended a guy at about 5MPH back in July. He was in a pickup, I was in my civic. About $800 worth of damage to both vehicles. He complained of no injuries at the scene. I find out he got an attorney and filed a claim against my insurance. My insurance says they are still waiting to get a demand letter. Question: I only have $100,000 in coverage. Is there any chance he could get more than this?



Motorcycle Insurance cost in Ontario?

I know it depends on a lot so I'll give you as much info as possible: age: 18 bike: honda cbr125r driving(car) record: spotless -the bike will be kept in my house overnight, and I'll only be using inner city (for work, school, social..) So guys I just need a rough estimate, doesn't have to be exact. how much would it cost be per year? Also, is insurance less if you're female like with car insurance? thanks for any help!



INSURANCE !!! any 17 years old insured ??

hi i wanna know any 17 year olds insured by themselves on wat car, how much they are paing and which insurer plz



My daughters car insurance has more than doubled because she got 9 penalty points in the last year. she wants ?

me to get insurance on her car and then get her put on that insurance. if she gets more points while she is under my insurance would that affect the price of the insurance on my own cars or would only if she caused an accident make my insurance go up. i could get a years insurance on her car for less than the price of 1 monthly installment she would have to pay for her own insurance. what do you think. if she gets 3 more points she will be disqualified from driving . if that happened while she was on my insurance would that put my insurance prices up even though she would be off my insurance if she did get disqualified. what i have wrote might not make sense. i want to know if i do this for her and she gets disqualified while being on my insurance would that put my insurance prices up for all my cars or what or would it only effect my insurance if she causes an accident. while shes on my insurance. * 41 minutes ago * - 3 days left to answer. Additional Details 40 minutes ago we live in the UK. sorry this is very long i found it hard to write what i was really trying to ask. 33 minutes ago i know if she causes an accident while she is on my insurance ot would effect how much my insurance costs but if she was to get disqualified while she is on my insurance would that effect me inurances oin anyway. if she gets disqualified then she wont be on my insurance anymore. 14 minutes ago only 3 of her penalty points are for speeding. she told me the other 6 points are because there was a mix up with her insurance last time and she was uninured for 4 days and was caught by the police. she got 6 points for that in court a few months ago. she said she that she had phoned them and accepted the policy they sent her to renew it and thought it would continue automatically but she hadnt been to the office to sign for it so she got caught for that. she was only uninsured for 4 days because of her mistake that time. sorry if you already answerd this but i put it on US yahoo answers by a mistake and it didnt show up in UK yahoo answers so i needed answers from people who knows about car insurance in the UK



Best health insurance for woman?

Looking for health insurance and reviews on basically the health insurance companies. I'm a really picky person and having reviews eases my mind a bit lol



What's the cheapest car insurance for a young driver?

I know this is a common question but what is the cheapest car insuance for a you driver I'm only 20



If the address on the car insurance doesn't match the registration certificate can the car still b taxed?

because i stay at both addresses the insurance and the registration certificate dont match but can i still get my car taxed?



How much would your car insurance go up for a o.u.i?

How much would your car insurance go up for a o.u.i?



How much does THIRD PARTY CAR INSURANCE cost in New Zealeand?

How much does THIRD PARTY CAR INSURANCE cost in New Zealeand?



How can I locate the Insurance Company that provides coverage for a California resident?

How can I locate the Insurance Company that provides coverage for a California resident?



Help me lower my car insurance!?

im a 17 year old male driver, i was thinking of buying my neighbors 2001 car, but apparently insurance is gonna be 6000 a year with me as a primary driver. my parents both drive and both have vehicles, is it possible for them to be the primary driver on 2 vehicles if we say its for work/convenience and myself as the occasional driver on one car? my friend said i can if my parents list the honda as a secondary vehicle and their the primary. is this true/possible? orrr if anyone else knows any way to lower insurance in past experiences or just know help please! :)



Looking for a online site to get cheap car insurance quote from all carriers at once?

Looking for a online site to get cheap car insurance quote from all carriers at once?



How much does it cost for one adult to live in an apartment, with food, car insurance, etc?

I want to know so I know how much I'll have to make a month once I move out of the house.



I got a ticket for no insurance..?

but i actually did have insurance i just happen to show the officer the wrong one is there anything i can dot to avoid this 3 yr surcharge.



I looked for insurance quotes at

At the end, I received a quote from Progressive and also 3 other leading competitors. I also received a quote from Progressive Direct which is lower than Progressive quote. Does anyone of you have insurance from progressive direct? What makes it different (and hence lower) than the actual Progressive quote?



How much would insurance be if i got this car?

its a 1992 toyota celica gt,i would be going under my dads insurance cause of my age and this is what he would be worried about.he has not going through drivers ed.his car is a 2004 dodge neon sxt.this is all of the info i can think of right .what would you say the insurance would be at a estimate?



Buying a car, do I need my own insurance to have the title signed over to me?

My youth pastor is selling me his 2004 Dodge Stratus, and we're planning on going to the DMV tomorrow morning to have the title signed over. Currently, my mom pays for my car insurance every month, and the car I've been driving is in her name. If I want to put the new car in my name, can my mom still pay for my insurance or do I have to be able to pay for it in order to have the title signed over to me?



Good military discounts for car insurance?

My husband is a Marine, we recently bought a new car and we're looking for good car insurance, preferably with a military discount! Does anyone have any experience with this? Thanks!



Insurance Fraud?

About a year ago at this time, I was involved in a car accident where I was turning left onto a 2lane road (stop signs, MY turn) and this girl was turning right onto the same road. She tried to beat me and get in my lane. She ran into my car. Long story short, her fault, no questions asked, even says so on the police report. I filed a report and claim with my insurance co. to get $$ to fix my car. I got the $$ and fixed my car. Well, I was trying to chance insurance co. the other day when I found out that apparently this lady called my ins. company claiming to be my 'mom' admitting fault to the accident. I was 19 at the time, and this was at MY college. So now, it's gone on my record as my fault. Now, I just faxed the insurance co. the report, and they are going to investiage because this girl committed serious fraud. What's going to happen from here on out, legal wise and prosecution wise for her?



How much is a 2010 Jeep Sahara cost a month for insurance?

How much is a 2010 Jeep Sahara cost a month for insurance?



What is the cheapest way to get car insurance?

i passed my driving test yesterday and am looking at buying my first car but no matter what car i go fo i always get quoted around 3500 but i just cant afford that. does anyone know of any companies that specialise in young or new drivers insurance? and i would prefer less than 2000 lol xx



What is the cheapest auto insurance place in Houston that I can get without a license?

My problem is , i lost my wallet and it had my social securtity card in it, so i have to wait 2 weeks to get it in the mail. I was gonig to get my license because i just bought a car but now i cannot get the reguistration and title without insurance under my name. I put my car under my dad's name only and now the courthouse says that i must have it under my name so that is already 65.00 down the drain, next i call up more insurance places and they are charging me 125.00 down then 65-70 a month. This is crazy ......i need a cheap 1 month car insurance place asap!!



Do you need the VIN to purchase insurance?

my husband bought a car at an auction today with his friend, we will have the car tomorrow by 1pm but were hoping to get insurance bought in the morning, do we need the VIN to purchase insurance so he can drive it tomorrow?



What is a good insurance company for health insurance?

in a month i will need health insurance for my wife where can i go to get good honest help do you know of any insurance companies to stat away from or recommendations


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cat insurance quotes uk